The Big Apple:

The “trillion dollar market cap club” has in recent times grown. Apple, Microsoft and Amazon dominate, and Google was once a member of this exclusive club, but has since been thrown out. That latter 2 of the 3 names in the club have better looking charts than Apple. Amazon does have some dubious candlesticks, but PRICE supersedes that as it forms a bull flag, after a strong move POST breakout above a cup base pivot of 2186.05. Microsoft now sports a good looking cup with handle pattern with a trigger of 180.10. Below however is the “laggard” of the three trading 14% off its most recent 52 week highs. Now one can look at this as the glass half empty of half full. The bears would say that not keeping pace is a tell, but the bulls may state the cup with handle too, and if this was to break out and join the party, it could provide more fuel to keep this nascent rally in tact. Something too chew on this weekend.

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