Revealing Ratio Chart:
Investors have different ways of comparing “risk on/off”, to get a feeling whether to have the accelerator on, or the brake when it comes to their individual market exposure. One may look at the ratio chart of growth vs value, with the VTV versus the VUG. In the consumer space they will compare the discretionary group to the staples. Some would keep it more simple and perhaps look at the Nasdaq over the S&P 500. Below is one I like to use in the diverse healthcare space contrasting the biotechs to the more mature medical equipment plays. One can see the significant move that the XBI made against it this week. It took 6 attempts to break above a bullish ascending triangle, and if retested should become solid support. Many biotech names recorded powerful moves this past week with APLS TRIL (thank you AJ) TWST and KOD, while equipment plays like BSX TNDM and SILK have faltered recently.