Rotten Apple?

It is beginning to feel like a bit of a level playing field may be upon us soon. Still feels a bit early to buy and too late to short. Overall one still has to play on the cautious side, especially as the mega caps, which turbo charged the benchmarks during this overall rally, up until the last 3 sessions. FB showed some green shoots today, as it was green early on during Tuesdays onslaught. AMZN is for the moment no holding its WEEKLY break above the bullish ascending triangle that aligned with the very round 2000 number, but does have until Friday to climb back above, which will be a herculean task. Below is the chart of AAPL, and notice how its daily ranges are starting to expand once again. One questioned me saying of course it is, because the indexes are. But remember it is a market of stocks, more than it is a stock market. Is forced selling from ETF sales affecting these names? No one can tell for sure, and the only thing that matters is PRICE action. AAPL failed twice this week at the round 300 number and 50 day SMA. The further it distances itself from the latter, the worse off for the indexes in my opinion.

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